Using Persism with Modules
Prior to version 2.2.0 Persism used the automatic module feature in maven. As of 2.2.0 Persism uses module-info.
module {
requires java.sql;
requires java.desktop;
requires java.logging;
requires static org.apache.logging.log4j;
requires static log4j;
requires static org.slf4j;
exports net.sf.persism;
exports net.sf.persism.annotations;
requires java.sql
Used for jdbc access.
requires java.desktop
Optionally used for the @ConstructorProperties annotation for Records - This may be replaced by a Persism specific annotation to avoid the desktop dependency in the future.
requires java.logging
Optionally used as the fall back logger if the log4j or slf4j are not used.
requires org.apache.logging.log4j, log4j, org.slf4j
These are declared static as they are needed for compile time but not runtime. Note: The log4j (the old 1.x version) does not have a module name so the name derives from the file name. This is usually not recommended. A future version of Persism will deprecate support for this older logging library.
exports net.sf.persism
Public classes available in Persism.
exports net.sf.persism.annotations
Public annotations available in Persism.
Using Persism in a modularized application
Because Persism uses reflection, your application will need to declare the package where your data models are defined as open.
module com.mycompany.myfxmlapp {
requires javafx.controls;
requires javafx.fxml;
requires org.slf4j;
requires java.sql;
opens com.mycompany.myfxmlapp to javafx.fxml;
opens com.mycompany.myfxmlapp.models to;
exports com.mycompany.myfxmlapp;