Coverage Summary for Class: SQL (net.sf.persism)

Class Method, % Line, %
SQL 100% (7/7) 100% (26/26)
SQL$SQLType 100% (1/1) 100% (1/1)
Total 100% (8/8) 100% (27/27)

1 package net.sf.persism; 2  3 import java.util.Scanner; 4 import java.util.regex.Pattern; 5  6 /** 7  * Simple wrapper for SQL String. Mainly to allow for overloads to fetch/query methods. 8  * 9  * @see <a href="">Using the new Query/Fetch methods</a> 10  */ 11 public final class SQL { 12  13  enum SQLType {Select, Where, StoredProc} 14  15  SQLType type; 16  17  final String sql; 18  19  String processedSQL = null; 20  21  private static final Pattern commentPattern = Pattern.compile("/\\*.*?\\*/", Pattern.DOTALL); 22  23  SQL(String sql) { 24  sql = sql.trim(); 25  26  if (sql.startsWith("--") || sql.startsWith("/*")) { 27  // trim comments 28  29  // line comments 30  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 31  try (Scanner scanner = new Scanner(sql)) { 32  while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { 33  String line = scanner.nextLine().trim(); 34  if (!line.startsWith("--")) { 35  sb.append(line).append("\n"); 36  } 37  } 38  } 39  sql = sb.toString(); 40  41  // /* */ comments 42  //Pattern commentPattern = Pattern.compile("/\\*.*?\\*/", Pattern.DOTALL); 43  sql = commentPattern.matcher(sql).replaceAll("").trim(); 44  } 45  46  this.sql = sql; 47  this.type = SQLType.Select; 48  } 49  50  SQL(String sql, SQLType type) { 51  this.sql = sql.trim(); 52  this.type = type; 53  } 54  55  /** 56  * Method to instantiate a regular SQL string. 57  * <pre>{@code 58  * Contact> contact; 59  * contact = session.fetch(Contact.class, 60  * sql("SELECT * FROM CONTACTS WHERE LAST_NAME = ? AND FIRST_NAME = ?"), 61  * params("Fred", "Flintstone"); 62  * }</pre> 63  * 64  * @param sql String 65  * @return new SQL object 66  */ 67  public static SQL sql(String sql) { 68  return new SQL(sql); 69  } 70  71  /** 72  * Method used to specify an SQL WHERE clause for an SQL Statement. 73  * The SELECT ... parts would be provided by Persism. 74  * Only here do we allow property names in the query 75  * <pre>{@code 76  * List<Contact> contacts; 77  * contacts = session.query(Contact.class, 78  * where("(:firstname = @name OR :company = @name) and :lastname = @last and :city = @city and :amountOwed > @owe ORDER BY :dateAdded"), 79  * named(Map.of("name", "Fred", "last", "Flintstone", "owe", 10, "city", "Somewhere"))); 80  * }</pre> 81  * 82  * @param where String 83  * @return new SQL object 84  */ 85  public static SQL where(String where) { 86  return new SQL("WHERE " + where, SQLType.Where); 87  } 88  89  /** 90  * Static initializer for a new SQL stored procedure string. 91  * <pre>{@code 92  * List<CustomerOrder> list; 93  * list = session.query(CustomerOrder.class, proc("[spCustomerOrders](?)"), params("123")); 94  * }</pre> 95  * 96  * @param storedProc String 97  * @return new SQL object 98  */ 99  public static SQL proc(String storedProc) { 100  return new SQL(storedProc, SQLType.StoredProc); 101  } 102  103  /** 104  * @hidden 105  */ 106  @Override 107  public String toString() { 108  if (processedSQL != null) { 109  return processedSQL; 110  } 111  return sql; 112  } 113 }